Join us Sundays at 10:30AM

Wake Chapel’s Missions & Outreach ministry engages our church family in the spread of the Kingdom of God, both near and far, by proclaiming the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit with lost persons and by sharing the beauty and holiness of Christ to lost cultures.

He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”  - Acts 1:7-8 


Locally, we support an adoption agency, a crisis pregnancy center, a home for vulnerable young girls, missionary housing, a Bible institute, Christian councellors, Christian camping, and Christian radio.

Nationally, we support various organizations that have a like minded approach to the training, teaching, and preaching of God's word.

Globally, we support 13 missionary families, Americans and nationals, in several different countries around the world. These families are involved in church planting and the training of national church leaders.


The Alliance Michael and Valerie Stephens 
Avant Ministries Fran and Judy Schmidt 
Amazing Grace Adoptions General Support
Baptist Mid-Missions James and Lauren PeaveyJohn Wilburn
Bible Broadcasting Network General Support
Caribbean Christian Center for the Deaf  General Support
Carolina University General Support
Child Evangelism Fellowship General Support
Chosen People Ministries Micheal Zinn
Crossworld Dan Standridge 
Dallas Theological Seminary Student Aid 
EHAD Ministries Bonnie Pearson
Endure International Hanna Shahin
Faith Road Ministries Tony Pierzchala
Fellowship International Missions John Asmah
Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry General Support 
Gideons International General Support
Global Service Associates Ashley Holleman
Hand of Hope Pregnancy Resource Center General Support
House of Hope General Support
Lighthouse Ministries General Support
Pioneers - Asia General Support
Siloam Missionary Homes General Support
South Wake Bible Institute General Support
Teams for Medical Missions General Support
Teen Valley Ranch Christian Camp and Retreat Center General Support
Thru The Bible Radio General Support
Trans World Radio Cary Office Support, Scott & Naren Hollinger, Lee & Lonna Lowell, Randy & Rose Sieg
Wake County Salvation Army General Support
Water Missions International General Support